
[Skin]coloursplash.VerybeautifulandbrightskinforPotplayer.FacebookTwitterShare·Skinsdaumpotplayer,download,PotPlayer,Skin,skins.Categories.,PotPlayer-skin.ALightlyRevisedPotplayerSkin.BaseonthedefaultskinofPotPlayer.Screenshot.Features.ReplacingthePlayListbutton ...,2022年2月5日—这款splash皮肤采用了经典的黑红配色,整体界面为黑色,按钮设计为白色。左上角设计有splash的红色logo。整体风格非常的对称...


[Skin] colour splash. Very beautiful and bright skin for Potplayer. Facebook Twitter Share · Skins daum potplayer, download, PotPlayer, Skin, skins. Categories.

A Revised Potplayer Skin -

PotPlayer-skin. A Lightly Revised Potplayer Skin. Base on the default skin of PotPlayer. Screenshot. Features. Replacing the Play List button ...


2022年2月5日 — 这款splash皮肤采用了经典的黑红配色,整体界面为黑色,按钮设计为白色。左上角设计有splash的红色logo。整体风格非常的对称美学设计。

Skin «Splash, the second version» for PotPlayer

2021年1月27日 — Move the skin (*.dsf file) to the program folder, which by default has the following address: C:-Program Files-Daum-PotPlayer-Skins.

PotPlayer Skins (over 70)

Alternative skins for the popular PotPlayer player. Each cover presented in the catalog is different in color and design, and therefore you will definitely ...


2020年12月20日 — kardoxnordSplash实装效果kardoxnordSplash皮肤可在播放器右键更换下载:https://scnd.lanzous.com/b0ckswixe密码:Scnd.

Splash 2.1 skin for PotPlayer

2016年6月23日 — A Modern UI skin inspired by the Splash Player 2.0 from mirillis. Here it is finally done. I worked on this for days, It took me so long due ...


2016年12月4日 — 这个皮肤来源于ACTION!(录屏软件)里的播放器,叫做splash,非常流畅好用,可惜支持的格式不多。